When you smoke, the vast majority of health risk comes from the delivery mechanism, the smoking itself, rather than the nicotine.

NRT, or Nicotine Replacement Therapy, could almost be called NDV instead ( Nicotine Delivery Variance ), in that nicotine is still delivered, but the mechanism used removes the catastrophic health risks smoking conveys via the inhalation and blood loading with carbon monoxide (stressing the heart) and the inhalation of known carcinogenic byproducts from the burning process. NRT offers an means of quitting the act of smoking, and of managing and slowly decreasing one's reliance on nicotine using measured doses of nicotine.
What we present here are five different non-smoking methods of using gradually reducing amounts of nicotine to help you quit both smoking and nicotine.
Nicotine Gum Nicotine gum - Habitrol, Nicotrol and Nicorette nicotine gums
Nicotine gum is nicotine gum - each brand of gum releases nicotine for buccal absorption using the same sort of release mechanism. The differences between nicotine gums are largely personal choice - brand choice, flavor, texture, coating, cost-effectiveness etc.
This section lists the information about nicotine gum that you need to know to use it effectively to quit smoking; we also recommend your carefully read the Product Information that each brand of gum provides.
Smoking less than 20 cigarettes a day ? We recommend 2mg gum
Smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day ? We recommend 4mg gum.
How to Use Nicotine Gums
Nicotine gums are not like ordinary chewing gums: a chew, park, chew cycle should be used ie chew until a strong taste or slight tingling sensation is felt (approximately a minute), then cease chewing and par" the gum between cheek and mouth gum (the nicotine is released slowly from the gum resin and absorbed directly from the lining of the mouth). When the tingling has almost gone, start to chew again.
Each gum of gum can be chewed for about 30 minutes.
You do not need to chew the same number of gum pieces as the number of cigarettes you used to smoke. You can use the gum on a regular basis throughout the day (say, every hour or so) or you can use the gum when you feel you need to. If you use the gum regularly throughout the day do not use more than 24 pieces per day.
How Do I Quit Smoking by using nicotine gums?
From Day One, do not smoke. We suggest using the gum for at least 3 months. After this, gradually reduce the number of pieces you use each day and when you are using only 1 or 2 pieces a day, you can stop (although you may wish to have some gum on hand in case you face any particularly tempting situation).
Some people find the lure of cigarettes so strong that they end up maintaining themselves on the gum. This harm-reduction approach has it's merits (it's inherently safer than smoking), but we recommend that if you are using this product longer than 6 months that you seek your doctor's advice.
Please note that some active support and encouragement can assist you in your goal. So a support programme and/or help from your pharmacist, doctor or a trained counsellor will increase your chances of quitting smoking.
You should not use nicotine gums if you are continuing to smoke, are pregnant or breastfeeding (unless after detailed advice from your doctor or pharmacist) , you are under 18 years old, you suffer from active oesophagitis, inflammation of the mouth or pharynx, or gastric or peptic ulcers, you have ingested coffee, juices, or fizzy drinks in the 15 minutes before using the gum (this may reduce the absorption of nicotine), or,you wear dentures (unless on the advice of your dentist)
Do Nicotine Gums have any side effects?
Minor side effects may be present in the first few days. These include: A bitter taste. Hiccups. Sore throat. Headache. Feeling sick or dizzy. If you tend to get indigestion: mild indigestion or heartburn. None of the above side effects are serious and if you get them, try reading the chewing instructions again to check you are not chewing the gum too fast or too often. Other side effects are uncommon, but may include palpitations, an irregular heartbeat, a rash or itching or swelling of the tongue or mouth, If any of these occur stop using the gum and tell your doctor or pharmacist.
What are the differences between the nicotine gum brands?
The "old" Nicorette is an uncoated nicotine gum - available in Classic and Mint flavors. Nicotrol gum is identical to this style of Nicorette in all regard except packaging, brand name and price. So if you prefer the uncoated style of gum, consider Nicotrol.
Nicorette is also available in the newer coated gum style - avaialble in FreshMint and FreshFruit flavors. Habitrol is from a different manufacturer and, like the newer Nicorette, is a coated gum available in Mint and Fruit flavors. Habitrol remains our most popular gum product.
These three nicotine gums are all sugar free.
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General Sale Medicine
Purchase Nicotine Gum -
please Click here to purchase Habitrol, Nicotrol or Nicorette gums